CoComelon Classroom Entertainment Experience — is coming to Hong Kong! AND Kids’ Gallery!
Kids’ Gallery is the proud to support this amazing production — taking part as director, writer, choreographer, and Ms Appleberry!
CoComelon Classroom Entertainment Experience
Date: 4-5 April 2025 (Fri & Sat)
Venue: Kitty Woo Stadium, Tung Po (San Po Kong)
Duration: 90 mins (15 mins intermission)
Time: 11:30 / 14:30 / 17:30
Kids' Gallery Ticket Package - $1,200
1. CoComelon Classroom Entertainment Experience tickets (Stall) x2
2. CoComelon x TOEFL Primary Vocabulary Exclusive Textbook with QR Code, and Certificate of Participation x1
* Add On tickets are available for purchase.
*One ticket per person, regardless of age, is required for entry (including infants and toddlers). A valid official ticket must be presented upon entry.
CoComelon 互動課室現場即將登陸香港!還有登陸 Kids’ Gallery!
Kids’ Gallery 非常榮幸於CoComelon Classroom Entertainment Experience參與重要角色,其團隊共同參與劇本編寫、導演、編舞!這充分展現了 Kids’ Gallery 在創意教育和表演藝術領域的專業精神與卓越實力。
《CoComelon 互動課室現場》
公演日期:2025年4月4日(星期五) 及 2025年4月5日(星期六)
演出地點:東蒲胡李名靜體育館 (九龍黃大仙新蒲崗七寶街 2 號)
公演時間:共六場 - 11:30 / 14:30 / 17:30
Kids' Gallery 套票 - $1,200
1. 2張 X 單人門票 (Stall)
2. 1人 X CoComelon x TOEFL Primary Vocabulary 獨家限定書籍連QR Code教學,以及個人參與證書
*一人一票, 不論年齡亦需憑票入場(含嬰幼兒)。入場時必需持有官方有效門票
CoComelon 粉絲們!4月 CoComelon Classroom Entertainment Experience 特別套票在Kids’ Gallery 有售!萬眾期待,請勿錯過!
Find out more:
Tsim Sha Tsui Tel. 2337 1001 | Whatsapp: https://wa.me/85294659978
Causeway Bay Tel. 2501 4842 | Whatsapp: https://wa.me/85294533840
Enrol now!
We look forward to working with you on this very exciting event!
Click here for information for the following packages/items:
- [HK01] 獨家親子套票 HK01 Exclusive Family Package
- [HK01] CoComelon x TOEFL Primary Vocabulary 獨家限定書籍
- [HK01] Kids’ Gallery 自選課堂
- [Cityline] 加購項目一:TOEFL Package
- [Cityline] 加購項目三:Kids’Gallery Course: One (1) Trial Class